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All reviews are listed as sincere opinion about the pros and cons of things, their quality, features and corresponds to a dimension row.

Newest reviews can be viewed and read in the “Test order” (on the Russian version of the blog). Some of reviews represented in English version of the Garterblog and can ve veiewed in the category “Lingerie Reviews

Falke ‘Lunelle 8’ Hold Ups Review

Falke Lunelle review обзор чулок

The owner of, who send this item for review, wrote:

«Since Mayfair started some time ago, we have had a growing following in Russia.  So much so, that every day we send our little purple packages to clients in various cities and towns across the country.  I have to say that it is a country that consistently orders a very glamorous range of hosiery and lingerie […]

Well, we are pleased to say that over the last few weeks, we have had various hold ups and stockings reviewed by the lovely Tanya at in Russia.»Lucy

Read all post here

Huit ‘Melisande Half-Cup Bra’ Review

Huit Melisande Half-Cup Bra review обзор

This item send for review by Huit 8 Lingerie ♥ ♥ ♥