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[Lingerie of the week] Lana body by Nearer the Moon

I keep on believing that girls need extremely beautiful things. I.e. they need such things in the lingerie wardrobe, from which we begin to create a look every day. Recently I’ve seen the Lana body by Nearer the Moon and realized: I need to write about it right now. I’ve just hesitated for pretty long which variant to choose.

The first variant is in intense cherry-red. The upper part, which decorates the chest, but not hides it, is made of transparent tulle with the a small scatter of sequins. I would say that the upper part of the body is in The Great Gatsby style, and bottom is in the style of a Bond Girl. And all together, it looks like the organic whole: very exciting. Geometry connects both parts into the naked nudity “drop”.

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The second variant of the model is made in black. The upper part is made of transparent polka dot tulle.

As you can see, I have not succeeded in choosing just one thing. Let there be two variants!

The cost of each item is £80.

What do you think about this body and in which cases would you wear it?

Nearer the Moon

Filed under: Fashion


Owner and editor of the online-journal about beatiful lingerie