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25% − 50% discounts for Bordelle, Una Burke, Murmur, DSTM, Chromat and other brands

As a rule we publish discounts info on Fridays or Saturdays. But if some really good discounts appear on other days, this would be an unforgivable sin to keep them in secret.

🎁 Дарим гайд «10 роскошных брендов домашней одежды» за подписку на наш телеграм-канал Probra 🤌 Присоединиться

Very good discounts from 30% to 50% have started in Mise en Cage store: they are applied to Bordelle, Una Burke, DSTM, Murmur brands.

Mise en Cage

In Playful Promises store 30% discount is provided to everyone who subscribes to their newsletters in March. You can find different brands there. Undiscounted prices are from £27.

Playful Promises

Chromat brand offers 25% discounts on swimwear this week. Use “TANLINES” promo code. The sale will be over on March 16, 2015.


By the way, speaking about swimwear I cannot but mention Asos that sells it (and many other things) with 60% discount. Read more here. The offer is time limited, it ends on March 13.

Enjoy your shopping!

Filed under: Sales


Tatyana Koycheva

Owner and editor of the online-journal about beatiful lingerie