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Style Guide: High Neck Halter Bra in Your Outfit

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High Neck Halter Bras give us a big opportunity to use trend “lingerie as outwear” in our everyday lives.

Let’s see how to match exquisite lingerie with everyday or almost-everyday looks.

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!All the notes under the images are clickable and lead to the stores where you can purchase the items used for the looks.

It can be casual style, if you put on jeans and loose-fitting pullover with the mediun neck hole. In this case you just give a subtle hint on what you’re wearing underneath. Only the top part of the halter bra will be displayed.

It can also be an evening look of a sexy lady wearing a tight pencil skirt and very low neck top. This will guarantee much more attention for your bra.

It’s totally up to you which style and occasion to select, as well as the strength of the accent. And we’d like to provide a few examples that will make your choice easier and encourage you a bit.

High Neck Halter Bra + Dress

High Neck Halter Bra + Top In A Contrasting Color


High Neck Halter Bra + Pullover

Pullover can be loose or have round or V-neck, as well as be off-the-shoulder.
The same refers to oversized jumper dresses.

General rules:

  1. Clothes you select should not be skin-tight. If you select skin-tight clothe, than it’s fabric should be dense.
  2. Give the nod to simple one-color items. This will mitigate the risks of mismatch.
  3. Play on the contrasts of colors and textures. For example, try to combine tender black lace with a white chunky jumper.

PS: One-color combinations may seem dull, but under some conditions they turn out acceptable. Anyway, speaking about monochrome variations it’s really hard to imagine anything but black.

Which look do you like the most?

Filed under: Fashion


Owner and editor of the online-journal about beatiful lingerie