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How to Make Boudoir Wardrobe: Ready-Made Looks and Examples

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Not long ago we’ve discussed how to build up boudoir lingerie wardrobe. I’ve demonstrated all the things you might need for that.

Today I’d like to provide a picture with the examples of lingerie looks based on that post.

As you can see, you can celebrate your beauty, style and sexuality with just as little as two sets of beautiful racy lingerie. And you don’t need lots of accessories for that – just the most basic and universal items.

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As a base of our boudoir wardrobe I’ve taken two lingerie sets, and I’ve presumed that their potential owner has forgotten to buy the suspenders from the same collections. All the suggested accessories used here are cross functional. You can use them one at a time – for example, just the choker or just the waspie, or you can combine a few items (that’s what I’ve done for the sake of space saving).

The kaftan dress matches all the specified and non-specified combinations of the mentioned items.

How to Make Boudoir Wardrobe: Ready-Made Looks and Examples

See larger looks in a new window.

Filed under: Fashion


Owner and editor of the online-journal about beatiful lingerie